Writer’s Lounge – Trump Loses It, Thomas Massie, Dr. Wenliang’s Death
It turns out there is a hack that none of us knew about in terms of what you can do with your computer. We learned about it, from all people, Donald Trump. Now, of course, everyone knows you can “fry” a hard drive on a computer and you can “fry” the motherboard.
But, that’s by no means all you can do. You can use your computer to fry votes. And that is precisely what happened in Iowa, during the Democrat’s Iowa Caucus. They “fried the votes on the computer.” Don’t look at me like that. Trump said it and he’s the president.
He knows stuff. He “knows more than the generals.” His uncle was a genius at MIT. He’s “said a lot of things” and he has “a very good brain.” He definitely has a very solid grasp on American geography. Think I’m making it up?
Here’s the video:
Hmmmmm, wonder what else besides votes a computer can be used to fry? What sort of oil works best? So many questions.
We do know that the Democrats in Iowa are sweating over a hot notebook, re-frying those votes. Maybe when they come out this time, they will be nice and crispy, like they should be – not soggy like those Trump votes in the sham GOP primary that Republicans have refused to allow anyone by Agent Orange to run in.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), who bases his existence on doing a passable imitation of his idol (even to the extent of copying Paul’s greasy pile of flatulant curly hair), fellow disgraced Republican – Senator Rand Paul – also of Kentucky, is ramping up his embarrassing shtick of desperately trying to catch Donald Trump’s attention.
Massie, who recently bought air time in Florida, so his attack ad against primary opponent, Todd McMurtry, (another shameless Trump ass barnacle), would show up on Trump’s TV set at Mar a Lago – is now chiming in to validate Trump’s post-‘acquittal’ firing spree.
Massie is jumping on the clown bus, to take a swipe at a Purple Heart recipient who made the fatal career mistake of doing what most members of the United States military are supposed to do when they witness unlawful conduct – report it.
The current Commander in Chief, is a cowardly Counterfeit in Chief, and Massie is a happy parasite for as long as the ride lasts. That ride just might end in November.
Late last month when the word about the outbreak of the Coronavirus was just hitting the international news, we published a report detailing the specifics of the virus, the potential for it to spread outside of China and information on how to avoid contracting it.
Since then, the number of infections and the deaths attributed to it have gone off the charts. As of the latest reporting, the death toll inside the country is over 630, with more then 31,000 people infected. It was less than a week later that it became obvious that Chinese authorities were staging a cover up regarding the seriousness of the epidemic.
On January 3rd, 34 year old physician Li Wenliang, who disclosed information publicly indicating that the spread of the virus was much more serious than government officials were admitting, was arrested by police in Wuhan, for “spreading false rumours”.
Wenliang was also forced to sign a police document to admit he had breached the law and had “seriously disrupted social order” – typical charges for anyone who contradicts whatever the established state narrative happens to be at any given moment.
Wenliang passed away on Friday, succumbing to the symptoms of the virus that he found he had himself been exposed to. Johnny Lau, a veteran China observer and former journalist at Wen Wei Po, said Li’s death is resonating in a very unfavorable way towards the authoritarian regime of Xi Jinping.
“Here is a doctor with a conscience … people on the frontline have been sacrificed but the officials have not been held to account,” he said. “It is an example of how evil has triumphed over the good.” Of the government’s actions to control public reaction by deleting discussions on their handling of the crisis, Lau said, “The authorities are anxious that his death would trigger a huge wave of anger, so felt the need to maintain stability and suppress people’s voices. But this has aroused further pushback.”
And The Guardian reports other pushback within the country:
Caixin, a Beijing-based financial publication, posted a black-and-white selfie of Li wearing a mask with the title “A healthy society shouldn’t have just just one voice: Novel Coronavirus whistleblower Li Wenliang dies”.
In its Weibo post, the Economic Observer, a state-affiliated financial newspaper, demanded the vindication of all of the Wuhan “rumour mongers”.
“Dr Li is telling us [through his death] what kind of future we will face if we lose the ability to express ourselves. In the eyes of the people, Dr Li was the hero who bravely told the truth,” the post said. “Wuhan [authorities] should vindicate them and pursue those who abused their powers to suppress the ‘rumour mongers’.”
Chinese cyber police deleted millions of comments in social media threads, based on the hashtags, #we want freedom of speech” and #Wuhan government owes Dr Li Wenliang an apology” and others. But they have not been successful in bringing public outrage under control. Free speech is as dangerous to tyrants as viruses – actually more so.
Perhaps one could view the retribution Donald Trump is engaged in now that the Senate GOP has allowed him to skate on his trashing of our system of laws as something relatively benign in comparison to the behavior of the authoritarian government of China.
But would be dictators, once they begin to sense that there is nothing standing in their way, behave accordingly. This is an example of where it could lead, if we that resist Trump’s lawlessness, don’t amplify our voices above the rest of the noise.
by Richard Cameron