The Real Epidemic – Medical Malpractice Is Killing Us
Modern medicine may be killing us.
“In fact, the study, from doctors at Johns Hopkins, suggests medical errors may kill more people than lower respiratory diseases like emphysema and bronchitis do. That would make these medical mistakes the third leading cause of death in the United States. That would place medical errors right behind heart disease and cancer.”
Based on a comprehensive study of established medical practices during the last few decades,
“A large proportion of current medical practice, 40%, was found to offer no benefits in our survey of 10 years of the New England Journal of Medicine. These 146 practices are medical reversals. They weren’t just practices that once worked, and have now been improved upon; rather, they never worked. They were instituted in error, never helped patients, and have eroded trust in medicine.”
Dr. Vinay Prasad, MD, Medical Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, adds,
“Health care costs now threaten the entire economy. Our investigation suggests that much of what we are doing today simply doesn’t help patients. Eliminating medical reversal may help address the most pressing problem in health care today.”
These findings especially rebut conventional medical therapies and procedures regarding serious heart disease.
From nutrition advice to prescribed medicine and surgical procedures, doctors continue to get it wrong. And we continue to pay for it in more ways than one.
Coffee, eggs, salt, and saturated fats are bad for you. WRONG! All the panicked warnings about these tasty items were based on theory, not fact. The loud cry against all sugar is also false. Every cell in your body needs sugar.
Live long enough and you, too, will have numerous anecdotes to debunk many current health care claims.
Besides pressuring women to have PAP smears every year to detect cervical cancer, even after a surgical procedure has eliminated the existence of a cervix, women who reached menopause or had hysterectomies were routinely prescribed estrogen replacement therapy in the last few decades. Citing benefits to combat osteoporosis, breast cancer, menopause symptoms and heart disease, these prescriptions created a huge market for ERT – estrogen replacement therapy.
Now, there is evidence that this practice raised the risk of cancer. Findings resulted from the first large trial of hormone therapy, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI).
According to a Time magazine article,
“Dr. Rowan Chlebowski, an oncologist at Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, and one of the initial investigators on WHI, reported that the benefit didn’t hold for long. He found that if women who had previously been on estrogen and progestin therapy were studied for more than eight years, their risk of breast cancer started climbing back up, to levels that were on par with when they were taking the medications…The results completely changed menopause treatment, and led to a precipitous drop in the use of the medications; in the U.S., where about 40% of women turned to the hormones, only 15% did after most experts agreed that they should only be used in the short term, for about a year or so during and just after menopause.”
Statin drugs to lower cholesterol levels are now prescribed to 1 in 4 middle-aged adults. Based on the specious theory that “excess” cholesterol is bad for the human body, medicine to keep those levels within arbitrary measures have created a boom in the statin industry. But, according to Dr. Zoe Harcombe, PhD.,
“One in 500 people have familial hypercholesterolemia and may have a problem clearing cholesterol in their body (rather like type 1 diabetics who can’t return their blood glucose levels to normal). For anyone else to be actively trying to lower their vital and life affirming cholesterol levels is deeply troubling.”
Dr. Harcombe admits that controlling cholesterol may benefit those who have previously suffered a heart attack or stroke. Is that you? Probably not.
In fact, recent studies have found that “statins decrease energy and fitness, and increase fatigue and sleep problems. They also found that statins may increase the risk of muscle aches and pains, kidney and liver problems, bleeding in the brain, and type 2 diabetes.”
While the rise in dementia could be blamed on the aging Baby Boom generation, it could also correlate to the rise in statin prescriptions.
According to the Scientific American,
“High levels of cholesterol in the blood create a risk for heart disease because the molecules that transport cholesterol can damage arteries and cause blockages. In the brain, however, cholesterol plays a crucial role in the formation of neuronal connections—the vital links that underlie memory and learning. Quick thinking and rapid reaction times depend on cholesterol, too, because the waxy molecules are the building blocks of the sheaths that insulate neurons and speed up electrical transmissions. ‘We can’t understand how a drug that affects such an important pathway would not have adverse reactions,’ says Ralph Edwards, former director of the World Health Organization’s drug-monitoring center in Uppsala, Sweden.”
Public service announcements and prescription medicine advertisements frequently tout the fear that “heart failure” is the most common killer. This could be because EVERYONE dies when the heart fails, whether from natural causes or premature dysfunction.
While Americans are breathlessly debating the “health care” policies adopted by our growing, intrusive federal government, let’s keep these questions in mind:
- What role, if any, should the government have regarding my health care?
- How accurate are the recommendations of the current health care community?
- What is the motivation of those pushing health care “innovations”?
It seems like cancer is on the rise. We all know friends and family suffering this dreaded disease. Could it be because we’re looking for trouble? According to stem cell scientist Paul Knoepfler, every body has cancer cells and only some of them result in disease and death. Can we put our faith in conventional cancer therapies that seek out and kill healthy cells as well as cancer cells? Will this also be debunked as bad medicine? In the meantime, the cancer industry thrives.
Guess what? We all die. All of us. Life is a death sentence.
Modern medicine is not fallible. It’s called a “practice” for reason.
They’re practicing on you.
The Bible reveals that “you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” James 4:14
Because life is short, let’s use the common sense the good Lord gave us. Make it count. Love one another. Spend less time, effort and money on worrying about your health and more on eternal relationships.
(This article should not be construed as medical advice.)